Monday, June 15, 2009

05/11/09 Mumbai

Traveling home from work this afternoon in heavy traffic (we were actually stopped) something hit our car just above my window with such force that the sound startled me, Carla and Kartik. It was unnerving. Suddenly I realized how vulnerable we really were in an alien environment. What would have happened if it had been an attack-we would have been dead. An eerie scary thought. There must have been a hundred autos, rickshaws, buses, bicycles, heavy trucks and taxis crowded around us; a mass of metal and machinery crowded so close we would have had difficulty just leaving the car, much less leaving in the car. It doesn't take a terrorist bomb or gun assault to present danger in a crowd in India. A slight fender-bender can stop traffic and inspire a full blown riot with setting cars on fire and mob attacks.

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